

Jesus laid his life down so that dads, moms, teenagers, kids, professionals, artists, homosexuals, religious people, drunks, criminals... in Baltimore could be rescued. And we believe God has mercifully saved us from sin and invited us - and many others - to join Him in the work.  

That is why Haven City Church was planted in Southeastern Baltimore. We are sinners enjoying God's forgiveness and are now committed to loving our city in Jesus' name. 

The way that Jesus works in any city is through the salvation of lost people (like us) who gather together to worship him and serve their city. New people are reached as new churches are established.  

God is already working in Baltimore and there are some amazing churches participating in that work. But there are thousands upon thousands of people loved by God who are unreached. (John 5:17, 9:4) We feel indebted to the people of Baltimore for the sake of the gospel. (Rom 1:14-15)