Sermons — Haven City Church

Matthew 15:21-28

Matthew 15:21-28

In this sermon, Josh Turansky explores Matthew 15:21-28, revealing how Jesus transcends cultural boundaries and challenges us to expand our understanding of the Kingdom of God. He illustrates through the story of the Canaanite woman that true faith knows no borders, urging us to look beyond our comfort zones and embrace a broader vision of God’s work.

Matthew 15:1-20

Matthew 15:1-20

In this sermon, Pastor Josh Turansky explores Jesus’ confrontation with the Pharisees in Matthew 15:1-20, addressing the dangers of prioritizing man-made traditions over genuine faith and obedience to God. He challenges us to examine our hearts and recognize that true righteousness comes not from external rituals, but from a transformed heart that honors God in spirit and truth.

Matthew 14:22-36

Matthew 14:22-36

This sermon explores the story of Jesus walking on water and His interaction with the disciples during a moment of fear and testing. Pastor Josh Turansky highlights themes of courage, faith, and the presence of God in the midst of life's storms. Through Peter’s boldness and subsequent doubt, listeners are invited to reflect on their own faith journey, choosing trust over fear. The message concludes with a picture of Jesus’ healing power and abundant compassion, reminding us of His enduring presence and provision.

Matthew 14:13-21

Matthew 14:13-21

In this sermon, Pastor Josh Turansky unpacks the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, emphasizing God's power to transform scarcity into abundance. Drawing parallels to contemporary challenges, he challenges listeners to trust God with their limited resources and participate in His work of provision and compassion. The message highlights God's unlimited ability to meet needs and the importance of faith in stewarding what we have for His glory.

Matthew 13:53-58

Matthew 13:53-58

In this sermon, Pastor Josh Turansky examines Jesus’ visit to His hometown of Nazareth, where familiarity blinds the people to His true identity and limits the work of God in their midst. He challenges listeners to overcome skepticism and embrace faith, creating an environment where God’s power can work fully in their lives.

Matthew 12:38-50

Matthew 12:38-50

Pastor Josh Turansky unpacks Matthew 12:38–50, where Jesus confronts misconceptions about faith, addressing demands for signs, superficial spirituality, and reliance on religious heritage. He challenges listeners to embrace true heart transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit, accept the resurrection as the ultimate sign, and live as members of God's family defined by faith and obedience.

Matthew 12:15-21

Matthew 12:15-21

This week, Pastor Josh starts by talking about Jesus as a powerful king who wins battles, as shown in Revelation 19. He then moves to Matthew 12, where he talks about how Jesus leads with kindness and helps others instead of using force. This shows that Jesus can be both a strong leader and a caring helper, teaching us about the different ways he uses his power to help and guide people.

Matthew 11:25-30

Matthew 11:25-30

This week, Pastor Josh continues exploring the Gospel of Matthew, emphasizing the importance of responding to Jesus's call. He discusses Jesus's rebuke of the unresponsive crowds and contrasts their hardness of heart with the humility required to accept the gospel, tying this message into the joy of baptism witnessed in the community.

Matthew 11:1-6

Matthew 11:1-6

This week, Pastor Josh delves into Matthew chapter 11, discussing John the Baptist's doubts about Jesus as the Messiah and exploring the nature of doubt and faith. He encourages understanding and engagement with doubts as a pathway to deeper faith and spiritual breakthrough, drawing from various biblical figures who also wrestled with uncertainty.

Matthew 10:21-42

Matthew 10:21-42

This week, Pastor Josh explores the teachings of Jesus from Matthew 10, emphasizing the principles of enduring faith amidst persecution and living out the kingdom of heaven in everyday life. He encourages the congregation to emulate Christ's example, highlighting the inevitable disclosure of the kingdom, the limits of earthly power, and the profound importance of loyalty to Christ above all else.

Guest Speaker Adolfo: Jonah

Guest Speaker Adolfo: Jonah

Pastor Adolfo shares an inspiring message on the transformative power of obedience and the consequences of running from God's call, as illustrated by the life of Jonah. Drawing on his own experiences as a missionary and the vivid biblical account of Jonah's flight, Pastor Adolfo challenges us to confront the "Jonahs" in our lives that cause storms and hinder our spiritual journey.

Matthew 9:35 - 10:15 Part 2

Matthew 9:35 - 10:15 Part 2

Listen as Pastor Josh continues exploring Matthew 9:35-10:15 in Part 2 of our series. Delve deeper into Jesus' instructions to the apostles, focusing on their unique commissioning and the significant role they played in spreading the gospel to the house of Israel. Discover the profound implications of their mission and how it connects to God’s broader plan for redemption. Join us as we unravel these timeless truths and apply them to our lives today.

Matthew 9:35 - 10:15 Part 1

Matthew 9:35 - 10:15 Part 1

Listen as Pastor Josh explores Part 1 of Matthew 9:35-10:15, a passage rich with lessons on discipleship and the transformative power of Jesus' ministry. Join us to delve into how Jesus empowered his disciples, revealing the vast potential of the spiritual harvest and the urgent need for dedicated laborers in God’s kingdom.

Baptism: Acts 2:22-30

Baptism: Acts 2:22-30

Take a deep dive into Pastor Josh Turansky's sermon from last Sunday. He explores the powerful meaning of baptism, drawing on Acts 2:22 and beyond. Uncover how the early church's transformative encounters with the Holy Spirit shaped their lives. Discover the lasting relevance of these practices for our own spiritual growth today.

Matthew 7:13-23

Matthew 7:13-23

This sermon from Matthew 7:13-23 explores the concept of the "narrow gate" versus the "broad path" as taught by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. It delves into the difficult choices and the disciplined journey required to follow the path to life, contrasting it with the easier, more popular routes that lead to destruction.