Preparing the Way: How God Sets the Stage for Jesus in Our Lives

Just like John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus through water baptism, God also prepares us for Jesus to be King in our lives. However, the preparation isn't always what we expect—it can happen through the most ordinary circumstances. Let's explore this theme of preparation and how it applies to our daily lives.

The Role of John the Baptist: A Primer in Preparation

John the Baptist wasn't just a wild man eating locusts and honey; he was a herald. He called people to repentance and prepared them for the coming of Jesus. His tool? Water baptism. But why water? Water is essential for life, cleansing, and renewal. Similarly, God uses very practical 'tools' to prepare us.

The Biblical Blueprint: Ordinary Means for Extraordinary Ends

Moses and the Burning Bush

Moses was shepherding when he encountered God in a burning bush—an ordinary day turned into a divine mission.

David, the Shepherd King

David was tending sheep when he was anointed as the future king of Israel, learning essential skills in an everyday setting.

Esther’s Beauty Contest

Esther went from an ordinary Jewish girl to a queen who saved her people, all starting with a beauty contest.

The Disciples' Ordinary Professions

Fishermen, tax collectors, and zealots—these ordinary people were transformed into the builders of the early church.

Ruth's Faithfulness

Ruth's ordinary work in the fields led her to Boaz, positioning her in the lineage of Jesus Christ.

Hannah’s Infertility

Hannah's struggle with infertility wasn't just a personal trial; it was a preparation for her to become the mother of Samuel, one of Israel’s greatest prophets.

Everyday Scenarios: The Tools God Uses

  1. Challenges and Struggles: When we face difficulties, it's easy to question why God allows them. However, these challenges often serve as a 'training ground' for greater spiritual responsibilities.

  2. Relationships: People around us serve as mirrors reflecting aspects of ourselves that need change or improvement. Through these interactions, God helps us grow in love, patience, and understanding.

  3. Opportunities: Sometimes, God provides unexpected opportunities that force us out of our comfort zones, allowing us to grow and be prepared for future tasks.

  4. Community: Being part of a church or a small group isn't just about socializing; it's a divine setup for mutual edification and preparation for what God wants to do through us.

The Importance of Recognizing God's Hand: A Warning from the Pharisees and Sadducees

It's easy to get caught up in religious activities, doctrines, or even social justice causes and miss the preparation work God is doing in our lives. The Pharisees and Sadducees serve as a warning. Remain humble and open, consistently checking our hearts and motives. Taking time to reflect and pray can help us recognize these divine preparations.


John the Baptist used water to prepare people for Jesus. Today, God uses our everyday circumstances to prepare us for the reign of Jesus in our lives. So let's be attentive and embrace the preparation process, knowing that it leads to greater things.